Join the Movement.

playful illustrations

Get involved 

We put optimism into practice, providing training and support for a growing network of more than 16,000 professionals who create positive relationships and joy-filled environments that children need to heal, learn and thrive. We're working to grow a bigger, more connected, and more robust network of early childhood professionals around the world who understand the importance of using play to build healing, life-changing relationships to help kids overcome some of life’s most unfair challenges. 

Our programs are designed for early childhood professionals, but there are many ways to get involved in the movement. We invite you to share our stories, tell folks in your own networks about the power of play, or donate to help us expand our community of practice. 

Playmaker Training 

Do you work with children ages 0-10? Join a life-long support community of Playmakers and learn proven practices that set – and reset - the foundation for a healthy childhood.

Become a Playmaker

Steve Gross

For Schools & Organizations

Inspiring, fun, and interactive, and designed for groups of 25 or more, our presentations, workshops, and retreats help staff discover the power of play and optimism in their work with kids. Virtual and in-person options available.

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Positivity Yields Positive Results

In our annual survey, Playmakers reported high levels of implementation of practices learned in training, along with positive impacts on their personal and professional life.  

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Power the Playmaker Project

Playmakers help more than 1 million kids each year overcome the impacts of early childhood trauma. Your support helps us reach even more children.  


Playmaker reading to children

Having Fun Yet?

Having Fun Yet? is a monthly newsletter by Chief Playmaker Steve Gross that comes out this January! This is a safe space for overworked, burned-out humans dedicated to raising healthy, happy kids – and who need a little inspiration to make the magic happen. Each month, Steve will deliver insights, ideas, and advice on how to use the power of play to create more joyful, loving relationships and experiences for kids. And for you.

Whether you're a parent, an educator, a childcare professional, an auntie, an uncle, or someone who just wants to have more fun with kids in their lives, this is for you!