While fun is personal, it's also global! Kids and adults alike - all over the world - create different ways to freely and joyfully engage with the world. Check out a few more detailed descriptions of some of our curated favorites, and we welcome your additions as well to grow this library! Got suggestions? Just email superpowerkit@lifeisgood.com.
Koh Koh
This is one of the most popular games in India! And it's basically a cool version of tag conducive for upper elementary kids (and older). Draw a line down the middle of the playing area. Divide the group into 2 equal teams: the chasers and the defenders. The chasing team lines up on the middle line, facing in alternate directions. (You can only ‘chase’ on the side of the pitch you’re facing.) The defenders enter the field in groups of 3 and try to avoid being tagged out by a chaser. The chaser at the pole starts & tries to tag one of the defenders on their side. If a defender cross the line, the chaser can tap a teammate who is facing the other direction to try to tag the defender on the other side and shouts "Kho!". The game ends when all the defenders are out. You can also set a time & see how many defenders can be tagged!)
This is one of the most popular children's games in Greece. And it's no wonder that children who are surrounded by so many statues have found a way to incorporate them into their play! Choose one player to be the "Curator" and have them stand, eyes covered, in the center of the play area. They count to a number between 10-20 - only the counter knows when they'll stop! While the Curator is counting, the others scatter around, never sure when she'll yell "Agalmata!" (Hint: That's "statue" in Greek.) On this cue, players freeze, taking on poses that mimic famous statues. They can pull from any statue they've ever seen a photo of—a javelin thrower, The Thinker, even the Statue of Liberty. The Curator tags any statues that are moving (they're out), then tries to make the steady ones laugh or move. The last player remaining composed is the winner and becomes the new Curator. [Source: Parents]

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