After Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, Playmaker Tinna Brown decided to start her own summer camp in Mississippi.

By: Life is Good Playmakers

After Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, Mississippi State University received a grant from Kellogg to do whatever they could to rebuild the community. MSU used the grant to invite Project Joy (now The Life is Good Kids Foundation) to train over 400 childcare providers in the area affected by the hurricane. Tinna Brown attended the two-day training that Project Joy  hosted and then decided to start her own summer camp in Mississippi called, “Kamp Joy”. She has attended multiple other trainings with the LIGKF and has stayed an active member of the Playmaker community. Tinna embodies what it means to be a Playmaker and lives using her Superpowers everyday: Tina is a simple hero and an optimist.

Learn more about The Life is Good Kids Foundation or honor a hero in your community at fuel@lifeisgood.com