On Monday, March 20th, Steve Gross, the Chief Playmaker and Founder of The Life is Good Kids Foundation (LiGKF) joined New England Patriot Malcolm Mitchell and his Share the Magic Foundation at The Nathan Hale School in Roxbury, Massachusetts. Every child in the entire school got to take part in a conversation with Malcolm and Steve about why reading is important, and they also got to take home their very own copy of Malcolm’s book, The Magician’s Hat.
After their busy afternoon, Steve and Malcolm headed back to our Life is Good Tavern to treat 150 educators from across New England to a Teachers’ Night Out – an evening full of great food, drink, and stories of lasting, positive connection. Every teacher left with a Gratitude Gift set, which is best described by one teacher’s touching response:
What an awesome night! I was excited to hear Malcolm Mitchell’s message about reading. I loved hearing from Malcolm but even better I left feeling like it was a celebration of teachers. That was an amazing and unexpected bonus. Thank you! I’ve been in education for 17 years and have never been given flowers and swag bags for being a teacher, I felt greatly appreciated. What an awesome and inspiring night! THANK YOU!
As far we’re concerned, our teachers – our childcare providers – our Playmakers – our Heroes of Optimism – they deserve our gratitude every single day.