Guiltless Pleasures: A Playlist

The definition of a guilty pleasure is ‘a piece of music that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard.’
Guilty pleasures are often enjoyed in the comforts of privacy, far from the ears of people who never knew you enjoyed the melodic angst of Avril Lavinge. It sometimes feels easier this way, than to expose a new side of you, ripe for judgment.
But if still enjoying the 1999 Smash Mouth hit All Star is wrong, we don’t want to be right.
You probably knew this about us, being the company that creates tees that celebrate hundreds of unique interests and passions that foster optimism and enhance wellbeing. We’re the different strokes, different folks type. Never ones to yuck on someone’s yum.
In the spirit of authenticity, we asked our staff to send us songs they love, despite feeling that they are not generally held in high regard—then compiling a 20-song playlist that spans different genres and generations.
Please enjoy. Guilt free.