Awesome Things About Teachers That Go Overlooked
Wash those Granny Smith apples and funnel into class before the bell rings folks, because it’s Teacher Appreciation Week!
It’s no secret: We love our teachers here at Life is Good (works cited: the dozens of tees we created in their honor). What’s not to love? Teachers possess the magical power to make you love a subject you were once apathetic to. Teachers are masters of patience, capable of withstanding the stormiest classroom situations with poise and optimism. Teachers are the original influencers, and they don’t need a blue checkmark to prove it.
We’re all aware of the big things that make teachers awesome, but let’s address three little things that sometimes get lost in the shuffle.
Teachers have superhuman memories.
While some of us (me) struggle to remember the online banking passwords we updated last week, teachers not only possess the ability to remember hundreds of names at once, but recall the names decades later when you run into them in the snack aisle.
Teachers make stickers feel like winning lottery tickets.
Sure, most of us have never hit the Mega Millions, but financial freedom pales in comparison to a sparkly adhesive that reads “Way to Go!”
Teachers are the ultimate Morning People.
When the New York Stock Exchange opens at 9:30 am, teachers will have already taught three classes, used up two whiteboard markers, and received one appreciation apple. This would send most into hibernation.
Teachers are good. Make sure you tell ‘em. Happy Teacher Appreciation, week.
Our Favorite Teacher Tees
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