Let There Be Light: A Playlist

The sun is good.
Controversial opinion, we know. But as we approach the fourth month of eating late lunches in the dark, it bears repeating.
Relief is on the way.
This Sunday, March 12, marks Daylight Savings Time—which, in our humble opinion, is the dark horse for this year’s Most Underrated Holiday In The History Of Holidays Award™.
Unlike The Big Five holidays, no pageantry surrounds this vital occasion. Santa gifting presents on Christmas is cool no doubt, and nothing hits like sausage stuffing in November, but the UNIVERSE GIVING US LIGHT gets tossed aside like candy corn on Halloween.
No more.
Daylight savings deserves its day in the sun. And yes we intended that pun.
We’ll start with a playlist—a playlist solely dedicated to the vibrant and energizing power of the sun and the time gods giving us an hour more of it. By the end of this beaming 20-song musical journey, optimism levels will rise and we’ll all be fully reminded, yet again, that the sun is good.