10 Good Things: Houseplants

By: Matt Keohan

"Where do you get inspiration for your graphics?"

Ah, the age-old question. Truth is, nearly 30 years of focusing on the good has equipped us with the ability to view ordinary things with a renewed sense of splendor and gratitude. (You’ll be hard-pressed to find another company that celebrates say, sewing machines, as much as we do.) 

Viewing the world this way is a practice, a muscle that needs exercising. And with anything that requires elbow grease, it comes with a bit of resistance. Overcoming this resistance is a worthwhile endeavor, and luckily, there are little daily tricks we can use to set our minds on the path of optimism. 

Journaling is one—specifically, journaling the greatest things about the unheralded, sometimes flat-out ignored, things in our lives that deserve their moment in the sun. 

Like houseplants. There are many fantastic things about house plants. These are just 10 of them. 

Houseplants are great listeners.

They are also the best secret keepers. And what do they ask for in return for free therapy? Just a drink and a little sunshine. What a bargain. 

Houseplants serve as a reminder to stay hydrated. 

“Have I drank any water today?” -Us to us, every time we water our plants. 

Houseplants put themselves out of their comfort zone so you can be in your comfort zone. 

We often forget that house plants aren’t in their natural habitats. They are basically the study abroad students of nature. Just another reason to show them the best of us. 

Houseplants are the league leaders in “really tying the room together.”

Before you spend thousands tearing up the carpets and painting the walls, have you tried a thoughtfully-placed Bamboo Palm? 

Houseplants prefer the seductively smooth sounds of jazz. 

Plants flourish when they listen to music between 115 and 250 hertz because the vibrations emitted simulate sounds of nature. Their favorite genres: classical and jazz. Houseplants are so bougie and we love it. 

Houseplants are eternal.

Trends and fads come and go. Not houseplants. House plants are timeless. We guess you could say they’re…..evergreen. Sorry, what did you expect? 

Houseplants provide fertile ground for puns. 

We had to do it. Houseplants gave us no choice. 

Houseplants are invested in your career. 

Multiple studies have found that plants increase both productivity and creativity. Add ‘Executive Assistant’ to houseplants’ resume. 

Houseplants love you as you are. 

Sometimes all-day movie marathons in your pajamas is the right kind of medicine, and house plants don’t judge you for it.

Houseplants rule. 

Always have, always will. 


How are your optimism levels right now? Slightly boosted? Are you staring lovingly at your nearest houseplant? Mission accomplished.

Got an unsung hero that deserves its flowers? Find us on social using the hashtag #10GoodThings!